
5 Ways to Increase Students’ Engagement in Writing


Drazen Zigic / Istock


我很無聊 - 如果我很無聊,你敢打賭我的學生一定是。但是,出於這種無聊(得益於我的掃盲專家的支持),五種策略蓬勃發展,這些策略使我的教學充滿了新的生活。

1. The Grapple

This is a type of instructional strategy I developed after being inspired by our math curriculum, which starts with an element called the “anchor task.” In her article “Anchor Task: What?為什麼?如何?” Amy Bilek explains that an “anchor task is a problem given to students at the beginning of a math block that provides an opportunity to activate prior knowledge, requires students to collaborate and ask questions of each other, and promotes an environment for students to productively struggle and persevere in problem-solving” while still working in the zone of proximal development.

我認為以書麵形式嚐試一下會很有趣。抓鬥在課程開始時具有簡短的詢問或指導性練習。例如,老師可能會發布學生寫作的段落,並提出一個廣泛的問題,例如:“作者做出了什麼好選擇?轉交談。”瑪麗安·斯莫特(Marian Small),作家兼國際專業發展顧問,可以將這種調查稱為“open questions” because one question can meet the needs of a broad range of learners, since the question is not too narrow. After turning and talking, students can share what they noticed. The teacher then calls on several students until one of them mentions the strategy of the day.

Students feel empowered when they’ve determined the learning target/objective of the lesson before teaching has even begun. This also gives student writers an opportunity to notice multiple strong writing choices.Jo Boaler(professor at Stanford University and author ofLimitless Mind) might talk about these as “low-floor, high-ceiling tasks.”Low floorrefers to accessibility for students needing improvement in the class, whereas高高的天花板reaches the most advanced learners who can continue to find challenges. This concept encourages students to be actively engaged while leading their own learning.

2. Student-Created Anchor Charts

After participating in a Grapple, students are tasked with trying the strategy of the day in their own writing. I then make an anchor chart naming the strategy with examples of student work. For example, my anchor chart might say, “I can elaborate by adding feelings, action, and dialogue.” I would then attach our mentor text’s example and student examples where feelings, action, and dialogue were added. This would give students motivation to try out the strategy in hopes of being featured on our anchor chart.




4. Oral Brainstorming

口頭頭腦風暴有助於建立班級社區。無論類型如何,學生都可以與同齡人和老師分享自己或其他主題。例如,當集思廣益的敘事故事思想時,學生可能會使用提示“我記得一次……”的提示時分享思考寫作時,學生可能會與提示分享“我喜歡的東西是……”或在非小說中分享writing, students might share with the prompt, “Something I know a lot about is...” If you’re having trouble fitting this into your writing block, try incorporating these prompts into a morning meeting.






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  • 學生參與
  • 批判性思考
  • 英語藝術
  • 3-5 Upper Elementary

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