在最後發表我寫,我解釋了許多重要的元素在一個基於遊戲的學習單元。GBL(繼續得到國家媒體。遊戲設計公司閥門在數字化學習與白宮合作。Mashable吹捧的帖子“教育需要遊戲。”I couldn't agree more!
我承諾給一些建議關於如何讓你的老師的單位之一的基於遊戲的單位。在我前進,我需要澄清幾個術語:基於遊戲的學習和“遊戲化”。Gamification is the process of applying game design principles into another field. Game-based learning is the process of using games to teach content, critical thinking, and other important outcomes. When you make a game-based learning unit, you are doing both. The entire unit, as well as the individual missions and boss levels, are gamified. They contain important principles of game design. In addition, the individual mission, quests or boss levels can be games themselves. So to summarize, what you are doing when you are creating a game-based learning unit you are not only apply overall principles of game design, but you are also using individual games.
- 解釋、分析和評估不同形式的證據,並確定哪些是最有說服力的。
- 應用證據支持行動的理論(戰爭、中立或外交),和理解動作的選擇如何影響係統。
- 編寫和提供一個有說服力的口頭報告在一份政策簡報的格式。
- 使用寫作過程開發和修改他們的寫作。
- 閱讀、回複、評論和討論各種小說和非小說文本。
- 選擇一個合適的研究工具和表示。
- 具體的曆史事件,幫助我們理解為什麼雅典和斯巴達發達迥異的文化在同一地區在同一時期(例如,Messenian戰爭,Peisistratos授予對窮人的權利,塞莫皮萊,薩拉米斯,等等)。
- 3解決戰略的優點和缺點(戰爭、外交、中立)。
- 如何合成關鍵關於日常生活的信息,社會和政治組織,文化,宗教信仰,經濟係統中,使用的土地和資源,古希臘的科學和技術的發展。
此外,確保創建一個開車的問題,總結了遊戲,其目的或包括必要的問題。他們列出必要的問題,比如“一個社會的行為如何影響其他社會嗎?”和“係統功能如何在一個更大的係統?”For a DQ I would suggest "How can we convince the Spartan Council of Elders the best course of action to take?" or something related to the objective and purpose. This leads to the next step.
這可能是你的“老板”。Your boss level needs to require students to synthesize the content they will learn from the other quests without the unit. In this case, the students will be presenting to a council of elders about war strategies that will be beneficial to Sparta. They will work in teams to critically think and collaborate as they gather evidence, consider different points of view, and ultimately come up with the best possible answer in a fictitious scenario. You will see major similarities here to PBL, but the difference here is that there is a focus on a scenario rather than an authentic current situation. This scenario is the major summative assessment, and as you can see will show that the standards and content have been learned. As you come up with this scenario, you may add or remove standards to meet the needs of the "boss level." This scenario is also the whole frame of the unit, where all quests fit within the structure and theme.
- 收集任務的目標是收集/收獲x資源。
- 拚圖追求的目標是解決問題(也被稱為代碼餅幹的追求)。
- 追求的目標是共享x資源分享。
- 戲劇的追求目標是製定一個係統或行為。
- 征服的目標是捕捉一個領土或資源。
- 間諜或偵察任務的目標是觀察和收集信息,然後回來報告。
- 研究探索研究的問題與答案並返回。這項研究可能有任意數量的形式,從質疑觀點閱讀和更多的朋友和老師。