馬特-拜爾是創新中心主任大教堂天主教高中,1:1 iPad學校在聖地亞哥,CA,他的職責包括培訓和幫助教師集成技術在他們的課程,創建和管理在線課程項目,促進科技培訓家長,和主要推廣和培訓計劃為狹隘的學校在聖地亞哥地區。在教室裏他還運行“ipad:教育者的會議。”In addition, Matt has presents at conferences across the United States. Matt has been a Social Science teacher for 13 years and continues to teach AP American Government. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator and has worked with Apple on several projects including the "Teaching with iPad and iTunes U" webcast series.